Monday, January 17, 2011

A New Year...

Happy New Year! 2011 has been good to our family so far. Mason continues to be a healthy, happy baby. He is the light of our life - I don't know how we ever lasted without him!

He is FIVE months old now... and in what feels like a constant state of growth and change!  I packed up two huge rubbermaid containers of newborn and 3 month onesies and they will be stored away until its time for the next one. Can't believe my little five month old is wearing 9 month clothes! My little chunky monkey :0)

He has transitioned to his big boy crib and is slowly adjusting.  He usually will go to bed around 8:30pm and snooze until 3:30am. I've been trying to help him learn to "soothe" himself back to sleep - I'll usually go in when he wakes up and try to offer him a binky and do the shoosh and pat.  Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't.  I can't quite bring myself to do the "cry it out" method.  What can I say, I'm a softie for my little man.  Anyways, I think we are making progress.  We have had some successes where he will sleep until 7:30am... Those nights you think I would sleep so well, but I feel like I'm constantly checking on him to make sure he's still breathing!

As I reported on my previous post, he has started solid foods which has been quite fun.  He has had rice cereal (NOT a fan), oatmeal (better than the rice, but still not his favorite) and bananas - which he LOVES!  My mom bought me the Baby Bullet for my birthday in my attempt to give him homemade, organic baby food.

He continues to steal our hearts - such a delightful baby to be around.  He is so easy going and fun to be with. I have been taking him to mommy-and-me classes at Gymboree since he was around 2 months old.  He loves his teacher Ms. Michelle and, of course, Gymbo the clown.  It is the best 45 minutes of my week - playing, singing and loving with Mason and his baby friends at class.

I need to upload some more recent pictures, but here's one from our recent dinner with the McCulloughs and the Schaedels... He literally fell asleep on Brent's lap!

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