Monday, May 9, 2011

BIG changes happening!

Yesterday was such a special day for me... it marked my FIRST Mother's Day and, more importantly, the FIRST time Mason pulled himself to a stand!

We spent a low-key afternoon with my parents. We were just hanging by the pool and playing in the sun when, all of a sudden, Mason pulled himself to a stand for the first time! He was playing in his little "house" and discovered that if he held on to the two flower stems he was able to pull himself up to a stand. I think he surprised himself, he had the cutest look of disbelief but burst into big smiles when everyone starting clapping and cheering for him!

While, of course, the best gift is a happy, healthy 8 month old, I got lots of little goodies yesterday to mark my first mother's day. My gift from Mason was a sweet card and a stepping stone he "made" with his footprints and his name. My gift from Brent was probably one of the most touching gifts I've ever received - his great-grandmother's diamond. Brent's Grandmother (Nana) was such a wonderful woman and he was so close to her. She left us way too early - a week after our wedding. We wish she could have been a part of Mason's life. She was such a sweet woman who brought joy to all those around her. Many of you know that Mason's middle name - Menken - is a tribute to her and a way for us to have some part of her in Mason's daily life. To have such a special family heirloom is such an honor.  We are going to have the jeweler who designed our wedding bands create a new setting for it. I will post a picture when it is done. I can't wait!

I have been a horrible blogger, my last real post was 2 months ago. And my goodness how much has changed since then! Mason is so active and alert. He is always so content and happy no matter where we drag him. He loves going to Gymboree on Saturdays and singing songs and playing with his baby friends.  He started recently waving and it has quickly become our favorite "trick"!  (Yes, we have turned into THOSE parents who think that everything their child does is so cute!)  He clenches his hand and waves backwards. And we haven't quite made the connection of waving for "Hi's" or "Bye's" - its more of a random thing - but we sure are proud!

After lugging around the infant carrier for 8 long and increasingly heavy months, we have finally transitioned Mason into his big boy carseat.  He seems to like it - it is much bigger than the infant seat so he sprawls out. Only downside, it doesnt have the neck support of an infant seat so when he falls asleep in the car, which he does nearly ever cartrip, he looks so uncomfortable!

We also recently got a fun hand-me-down from our friends Will and Annie Michels - the Red Car!And BOY does he love this thing!  We take it on walks all over the neighborhood and he loves "driving" I think its because hes down closer to Fisher and feels like he is walking with him.  Here is a picture of him the first day we got it:

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